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Who is Hubert ? By Q&A:


Why Ten Years on the Road ? When I left New York in 2005, this is how much money I had after I sold everything I had.
If you are halfway through your timelessride, are you halfway through your money ? I am, and on top of that, since October 2008, I have over $2000/month of retirement $ from USA and France that I never expected to get. So forget about "Ten Years on the Road, I am on the road for good !!!"
Don't you miss your family ? I always miss my family. I have my daughter Lucie close to Paris, Eve in Jersey (between France and UK), Jessica in California and my wife in New York, so we are daily on Skype and Twiter. We almost know what each other is eating everyday.
What does your wife think about your travel ? She is a passionate dance professor as much as I am passionate about sidecar travel and we love to get back together every few months.
Isn't it hard to be always alone ? I meet people everyday, I am only alone if I choose to be.
How do you meet so many people ? When I stop, people come to me. All I have to do is have an open attitude.
What do you like the most about your lifestyle ? FREEDOM !!! Sleeping outside, meeting people, eating 12 eggs for breakfast...
What is your least favorite part about of your lifestyle ? When the sidecar breaks down.
Why did you choose a Ural Sidecar ? I wanted to have a 2WD sidecar to go deeper in remote areas.
What do you do when your bike breaks down ? Usually, I panic for a fraction of a second by ignoring what is happening, then I deal with my problem with ingenuity.
Are you a good mechanic ? I do a lot of my mechanic, but I am dangerous !!!
Do you have a GPS ? Not yet !
Do you have a cell phone ? No more !
The last one I had was begining of 2005 when I left New York. That is the smartest move I did.
What are the 3 most important things that you pack in your sidecar ? A photo of my family, a 19mm wrench and a "Saucisson à l'ail" (delicious french saussage).
Isn't it going to be cold in winter at the Arctic Circle ? Being "Joe Bar" that is what it is all about !!!
Have you been in trouble during your trip so far ? No.
Is there anything you find in common among all the people you meet ? I think that what people have the most in common when I meet them, is their "Curiosity".
How do you keep your website updated when you are on the road ? I have an Apple laptop with me and internet is everywhere.
How can it be the timeless ride if it is Ten Years on the Road ? Life is confusing and you have to get used to it.
Why Mongolia ? My wife gave me a book about Genghis Khan that fascinated me. "I just feel lucky that she did not gave me a book about Apollo 13"



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